Business Angel | Investor | Businessman

Daniel Kubach.

I am professionally involved in business, an investor, an angel investor, and a member of many business organizations. I am a management psychologist by training. I also completed an Executive MBA at the Rotterdam School of Management.

Let’s do business together in the medical, legal, real estate, or business automation industry.

Earn with me

About me

I have always been lucky about people. On my way I meet incredible individuals as well as outstanding experts in many fields. . I call them journey companions, because business is an amazing journey.

Thanks to this fact I was able to build winning teams. My best companions become my partners and are invited to companies’ management.

I have created multiple millionaires which started from the bottom, many times even from debts. More than 100 000 people from many different countries cooperated and still collaborate with me.

One of my life goals is to inspire people to actand be successful entrepreneurs, which gives them unlimited opportunities.

I do a lot of investments in unique global projects. It is important for me to get to know and understand the products as well as the brands, so I can fully focus on them and help as much as I can.

I focused on digital services because I see a future in them. A product being able to affect real-world problems while staying ecologic is a key feature for me. A product being able to affect real-world problems while staying ecologic is a key feature for me.

As a business angel, I invest in the business much more than just money. I provide my contacts which open many possibilities – including my qualified team that can organize any company, mentoring and coaching sessions that literally lead step by step to success, as well as lawyers and accountants who secure our projects.


Business Expert

My goal is to create brands and products which positively affect the world. I invest mainly in companies where I see a lot of potential.

In the medical industry, I want to ease the access to medical facilities and services for all the people around the world. Thanks to good and accessible healthcare people will be able to live healthier and more peacefully.

In the legal industry, my objective is to promulgate legal services in a way that everyone would be able to access excellent lawyers. This way everyone will be able to find a solution for their issues.

In the media industry, I support small entrepreneurs providing them with equipment ready to work.

In the new technologies industry, I connect business people so they can earn money together. Additionally, I also help increase sales through automation.

Gain practical knowledge.

I have poured more than 20 years of business experience into the paper before you now. Click and choose something for yourself.

See Project


Investment properties in Spain starting at tens of thousands of Euros!

See Project


Increase sales in your business with automation.

See Project


LEXNONSTOP was designed to ease contact between lawyers and clients as well as to popularize legal services so everyone could be able to access them freely.

See Project


Tinder for entrepreneurs. With the MyBzz app, you can easily meet entrepreneurs around the world.

See Project


YourFitWay has a goal to prove that a fit lifestyle can be fun. We encourage being active and give an opportunity to earn money in our project.

See Project


S7HEALTH has an objective to promulgate the best medical services so they would be accessible for every individual.

See Project
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2022 - to present

Board Member

The company's goal is to assist in finding the best investment properties in Spain.

2022 - to present


The company's goal is to introduce sales automation in businesses.

MyBzz Logo
2022 - to present


The company's goal is to connect entrepreneurs around the world using a simple application.

YourFitWay Logo
2019 - to present

CEO and co-founder

The company is the developer of the mobile application YourFitWay.

YourFitWay Logo
2019 - to present
YourFitWay LTD

CEO and co-owner

The company's goal is to improve the quality of health and life of people worldwide by motivating a healthy lifestyle

2018 - to present
7Health Foundation

President and founder

The goal of the foundation is to create opportunities for people to live longer in health. We do this by planting a million trees - for starters.

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2018 - to present
Jak blisko Sp. z o. o.

Business Angel and shareholder

The Loocalio platform connects clients with entrepreneurs. It is a tool for entrepreneurs that helps in acquiring customers.

2018 - to present
S7Lex Sp. z o. o.

Owner, Business Angel, and CEO

Lexnonstop is a platform connecting clients with lawyers from all specializations. Its goal is to popularize legal services so they are accessible to everyone.

2017 - to present
7Play Sp. z o. o.

Prokurent, co-owner, and Business Angel

The 7Play company was created for those who value a lifestyle, individuals who appreciate health and have a healthy approach to money.

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2017 - to present
S7Concierge Sp. z o. o.

CEO and Business Angel

We organize treatment for our patients with serious illnesses in Poland and abroad. This allows us to assist our patients in the event of a serious illness.

2017 - to present
S7HEALTH Sp. z o. o.

Co-owner, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, and Business Angel

We provide our clients with access to good medical services in short terms. We offer companies medical care for employees and software for occupational medicine management.

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2016 - to present
7&7 Sp. z o. o.

Vice President of the Board, co-owner, and Business Angel

The company provides software support and marketing for companies in my portfolio. Additionally, it creates groundbreaking projects ahead of their time, like Psotna Przesyłka

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2014 - to present
InWay Sp. z o. o.

Prokurent, Business Angel and co-owner

Together with Dr. Adam Ubertowski, we created the first MBA program for the direct sales industry. I acquired the skill of conducting practical training in business topics.

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2011 - to present
3S Financial Group Sp. z o. o.


Publisher of Ranking MLM and Ranking MLM International, Businessman, Blog o MLM, Time For Health. I consolidated all the media under the company 3SFG Sp. z o. o.

Brak Loga
2008 - to present
EuCO Foundation for Children

Co-founder and secretary

As part of our support, we financed, among others, treatment costs, medical equipment, orthopedic prostheses, but also foreign language lessons, trips, camps, and colonies for our charges.

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2005 - 2010
Europejskie Centrum Odszkodowań S. A. „EUCO"

Vice President of the Board, 2010 to 2014 Chairman of the Supervisory Board

My task was to build a sales network and expand the company to foreign markets. I created a network of over 30,000 merchants in 5 countries. In 2010, the company was listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. At its peak, it reached a value of approximately 75,000,000$.

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2001 - 2005
Polskie Centrum Finansowe


Thanks to a network of 300 merchants in several cities in Poland, we were engaged in the sale of life insurance and pension funds.

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1999 - 2001
Perfect insurance brokerage


It was the first company where I learned to effectively sell a product. I was involved in selling life insurance and property insurance.

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If our roads will cross one day it won’t be a coincidence

Daniel Kubach to poważny przedsiębiorca i zaufany partner w biznesie. Współpracujemy od wielu lat - zawsze z powodzeniem i zadowoleniem wszystkich stron. Często są to projekty nowatorskie, a swymi biznesowymi wizjami wciąż mnie pozytywnie zaskakuje. Teraz się koncentrujemy na rynkach zagranicznych. I to nie jest nasze ostatnie słowo, to wciąż dopiero początek.
Prezes Polskiego komitetu Sportów Nieolimpijskich
Mec. Tomasz Dauerman

Daniel Kubach to osoba, która wniosła bardzo dużo w moje życie i organizację Klub Przedsiębiorczości, którą z sukcesem rozwijam od wielu lat. Daniel to przykład osoby sukcesu, która swoim zaangażowaniem, kreatywnością i sposobem myślenia na globalną skalę bardzo pozytywnie wpływa na zmianę życia tysięcy ludzi na świecie. Współpraca z Danielem to ogromna przyjemność, poza sferą biznesową, jestem ogromnie wdzięczny za naszą prywatną relacje.

Adam Przemyk
Vice Prezes Klubu Przedsiębiorczości

To prawdziwy pasjonat biznesu, coach, który pomaga innym w urzeczywistnianiu ich wizji. Konsekwentnie dostarcza wyjątkową wartość w biznesach, które tworzy. Przekracza oczekiwania rynku na całym świecie śmiało wkraczając w błękitny ocean.
Bardzo cenię sobie nasze relacje oraz z optymizmem patrzę na naszą współpracę w przyszłości.

Daniel Konieczny
Współwłaściciel YourFitWay, Public Speaker Mentor i Results Coach

Daniel nieustannie inwestuje w swój rozwój, posiada wszystkie cechy prawdziwego lidera: przyciąga ludzi do siebie, dzieli się wiedzą, ma wyczucie rynku, potrafi właściwie delegować zadania, skutecznie tworzy turkusowe przedsiębiorstwa. Jednak największe wrażenie na mnie robi jego inteligencja emocjonalna, którą widać przy wyzwaniach jakie towarzyszą przy prowadzeniu tak licznych inicjatyw biznesowych w Polsce i na świecie.

Mirosław Mańkiewicz
Prezes Zarządu S7Health
Daniel ma charyzmę i determinację, które pozwalają mu osiągać sukces za sukcesem. A na to jak zaraża innych swoją pasją z zazdrością patrzy niejeden COVID.
Marek Zmysłowski
Autor książki - Goniąc czarne jednorożce

Niewiele spotyka się osób obdarzonych tak silnym genem przedsiębiorcy. Daniel jest niespokojnym duchem, mimo, że osiągnął już wiele i to w młodym wieku, wciąż jest głodny sukcesu i nowej wiedzy, wciąż wyznacza sobie jeszcze bardziej ambitne cele. Cechuje go niespotykany optymizm i wiara w siebie, a przy tym nie jest pozbawiony realizmu, potrafi celnie i krytycznie ocenić rzeczywistość. To rzadkie połączenie cech, pozornie sprzecznych. Wizjoner ze szczyptą realizmu…

Adam Ubertowski
Prezes Zarządu Soulinvest Sp. z o.o.
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  • LEXNONSTOP Partner
  • S7Concierge Partner
  • S7HEALTH Partner
  • Time for Health Partner
  • Ranking MLM Partner
  • YourFitWat Partner
  • Lekcje Warte Miliony Partner
  • MyBzz Partner
  • Rentier Life Club Partner
  • 7health foundation Partner
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You have an idea for a business? Looking for support? Let’s talk!

I motivate people to achieve success. Are you ready for the challenge?